Our Destiny Lead Team is comprised of men and women who love, care, and pray for our church family and community. In addition to the following team directors, we also have a host of individual team leads, outreach team leads, and a teaching team. We believe that everyone is a part of the Destiny Difference! For general information, you can email us at hello@destinychurchlv.com.

  • Lead Pastor Terry Jimmerson


    Terry Jimmerson

  • Executive Pastor Tracy Jimmerson


    Tracy Jimmerson

  • Executive Assistant Grace Clark Missions Ordination

    Executive ASSISTANT

    & KiD's Director

    Grace Clark


  • Music Director worship leader Emily Keener

    Music Director

    Emily Keener

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  • Women's Ministry Yvonne Lubsey

    Women's Director

    Yvonne Lubsey

    Yvonne Lubsey

  • Ministry Development Directors

    Michelle & Paul Keener

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  • Monthly Intercession prayer meetings Carole Elliott

    Prayer Director

    Carole Elliott

    Carole Elliott

  • Youth Director

    Robert Martinez

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  • Support Director

    Melissa Martinez

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  • Connection Assimilation Retention Tim Martial

    Connected Director

    Tim Marttala

    Tim Marttala

  • Hospitality All Welcome Community Outreach citywide feed those in need homeless

    HOSPITALITY Director

    & Outreach Director

    Krista Beverly


  • Small Groups Discipleship Biblical Theology Creed Hermeneutics Ecclesiology Dr. Michelle Keener

    Discipleship director

    Dr. Michelle Keener

    Michelle Keener

  • Nursery Infants Preschool Elementary Special Needs CPR Certified

    Littles Director

    Stephanie Davis

    Stephanie Davis

TEaching Team

At Destiny Church, we are blessed to have a team of anointed, talented preachers and teachers. Pastor Terry is committed to developing the gifts of others and have dedicated their lives to making others dreams come true. Our team is made up of people who have given their lives to spread the gospel and equip God’s people to experience all that the Father has for them. We are stronger together as we aim to fulfill the vision Jesus has given us which is to REACH, DISCIPE, and RELEASE people into their destiny - Everyone. Everywhere. Everyday. 

  • Preach

    Terry Jimmerson


  • Teach

    Grace Clark


  • exhort

    Yvonne Lubsey


  • Glenn elliott

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  • Expound

    Dr. Michelle Keener


  • prophesy

    Pastor Krista Beverly