Our Destiny Lead Team is comprised of men and women who love, care, and pray for our church family and community. In addition to the following team directors, we also have a host of individual team leads, outreach team leads, and a teaching team. We believe that everyone is a part of the Destiny Difference! For general information, you can email us at hello@destinychurchlv.com.
Terry Jimmerson
Tracy Jimmerson
& KiD's Director
Grace Clark
Music Director
Emily Keener
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Women's Director
Yvonne Lubsey
Yvonne Lubsey
Ministry Development Directors
Michelle & Paul Keener
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Prayer Director
Carole Elliott
Carole Elliott
Youth Director
Robert Martinez
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Support Director
Melissa Martinez
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Connected Director
Tim Marttala
Tim Marttala
& Outreach Director
Krista Beverly
Discipleship director
Dr. Michelle Keener
Michelle Keener
Littles Director
Stephanie Davis
Stephanie Davis