Under the leadership of Krista Beverly, all hospitality volunteers serve on a 3 week rotation.
PARKING - Responsible for initial greeting, escorting vehicles, creating an inviting atmosphere, and maintaining order in the parking lot.
GREETER - Responsible for verbally connecting and making all on site feel welcome by providing a cheerful and excellent service to all.
WELCOME TABLE - Responsible for kindly checking in attendees and providing ways for guests to connect.
CAFE - Responsible for connecting and making all on site feel welcome by safely serving beverages or food. (must be on site by 830am)
USHER - Responsible for preparing and obtaining offering, connection cards, monitoring the sanctuary, and maintaining order while creating an inviting atmosphere.
HOST - Responsible for making guests feel welcome, comfortable, and connected by introducing them to others, answering any questions, sitting with them during service, and helping them with any needs.
CONNECTION TABLE (COMING SOON) - Responsible for providing information and opportunities for connections.