We believe youth small group is an extension of Destiny Church where our team focuses on growing, teaching, and discipling our Middle School & High School students (6th-12th grade).  Our hope is that they learn to trust & increase their faith on the journey of being a Christ follower, all while having compassion for those around them while sharing the goodness of the Lord.

We have a dual approach to student ministries, GROWING & SERVING. Our Youth Small Group meets bi-weekly usually on Fridays for Bible study, fellowship, fun and service. Check the events tab for times and locations. (Youth Small Group Currently PAUSED)

youth ministry, youth, students, high school, junior high

Melissa & Robert Martinez

Youth Directors

Please connect with the Martinez' if you have questions concerning our youth ministry or email us at

"Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart , and in the sight of your eyes."

Ecclesiastes 11:9a (NKJV)

Jr. High and High School