Small Groups

Small groups are intended to help us move from where we are to where God wants us to be as followers of Christ...TOGETHER. They exist to make relationship building and discipleship easier and more effective. When attending small groups, expect God to change you from the inside out as you build meaningful relationships, create accountability, and go deeper into the scriptures all while doing life with others. 

Under the leadership of Michelle Keener, we offer 4 options for small groups:

  • Semester Groups (6-12 weeks)
  • Extended Groups (9-10 months)
  • Open Groups (continuously opened to new members)
  • One Night Group (1 night event to foster upcoming groups)

Many of our groups pause for the summer months. Be on the lookout for upcoming groups launching THIS FALL, and check out our available small groups below.

Destiny Youth Small Group (open group)

A small group for the youth (ages 12-18 yrs) of Destiny Church to come together for fun, friendship, and learning more about Jesus led by Robert & Melissa MartinezOur goal is to provide a space for our youth  to learn, trust, & increase their faith on the journey of being a Christ follower.

  • Meets every other Friday night

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Sunday Morning Prayer Group (open group)

Passionate about prayer? Join small group leader, Carole Elliott, thirty minutes before church service on Sunday mornings as we pray together, for each other, specific needs, church service, our city, and however the Holy Spirit leads.

  • Meets every Sunday at 8:50 am

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Games & Food (open group)

Ready for some fun? Join small group leaders, Stephanie Davis & Carole Elliott, for a rollicking good time with games, friends, food, and fellowship 1st Friday of the month.

  • Kids welcome

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"So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved."

Acts 2:46-47 (NKJV)